Bertrude pyre
Bertrude pyre

bertrude pyre

I know, too, that his anger was appeased, for even though he sealed me in slumber, left me bound on a rock, to be the bondmaid of the man who should find and wake me, yet he granted favour to the prayer of my terror, he surrounded the rock with a devouring fire which should close the way to the base. She presses rapid questions upon her: "You dared then for love of Bruennhilde brave Walvater's commandment? Or-how? Oh, tell me! Has Wotan's disposition softened toward me? When I protected Siegmund against the god, while it was a fault, I know that I was fulfilling his wish. In her delight, she does not at once take account of the Valkyrie's sorrowful and preoccupied mien.

bertrude pyre

She rushes to receive Waltraute, whose call she has joyfully recognised. Distant thunder disturbs her dreams her ear seizes a familiar sound, not heard for many a day, the gallop of an approaching air-horse. Bruennhilde sits sunk in contemplation of the Ring and the memories attached to it. When it reopens we see the scene once more of Siegfried's and Bruennhilde's leave-taking. His own bride this latter will bring for him to the Rhine, but to me he will bring-the Ring! You frank good fellows, light-hearted companions, sail cheerfully on! Abject though he may seem to you, you are yet his servants-the servants of the Nibelung's son!" The curtain closes. Helmsman to him is a strong hero, who is to brave danger in his stead. Hagen places himself with spear and shield in the doorway, and, while sitting there sentinel-wise, reflects upon the success of his devices: "Blown along by the wind, the son of Gibich goes a-wooing. Followed by Gutrune's eyes, the heroes hurry off.

bertrude pyre

Siegfried is for starting without delay on the quest: "There is my skiff it will take us quickly to the rock one night you shall wait in the boat on the shore, then shall you lead home the bride."

Bertrude pyre